XF 2.0 How could i get {url} and {title} for social sharing?


Well-known member
I try to implement the Shariff sharing buttons into Xenforo 2. I do it with macros like the original sharing templates. I have just a little problem to get the {url}/{title} to share the thread, image or resource.

Could anyone give me a hint?
Our share buttons use JS to read this from the page (such as via the title and OG tags) and dynamically insert it.
I made a new template similar with the original share template and replace the share code with the shariff code. After that i set these template with find/replace in tms. I think the problem is the data-href in the original and data-url/data-title in the shariff template..

Where can i find the JS file for the share buttons? Thanks for your help.
The JS code for the share buttons is in js/xf/core/action.js, the XF.ShareButtons handler.
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