XF 1.5 How can I solve this problem?

Emre Y

xenForo 1.5.14 use;
Error.log files code

[25-Jun-2017 07:28:34 UTC] XML error: > required at line 82, column 24
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:35 UTC] XML error: Undeclared entity error at line 27, column 120
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:35 UTC] XML-RPC: xmlrpcmsg::parseResponse: no response received from server.
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:36 UTC] XML-RPC: xmlrpcmsg::parseResponseHeaders: HTTP error, got response: HTTP/1.1 302 Found
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:37 UTC] XML-RPC: xmlrpcmsg::parseResponseHeaders: HTTP error, got response: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:42 UTC] XML-RPC: xmlrpcmsg::parseResponseHeaders: HTTP error, got response: HTTP/1.1 410 Gone
[25-Jun-2017 07:28:42 UTC] XML-RPC: xmlrpcmsg::parseResponseHeaders: HTTP error, got response: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

How can I solve this problem?
With just that log, I don't think it's possible to make any comment on what it's from. I don't think those are XF related in any way though.
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