XF 2.3 How can I enable push notification on my website?


Active member
I have follow steps for enabling push notification. But not enable push notification. My website name is mozodeals. You can check. I need a full guidance for enabling push notification.

there is also a user permission. from what i remember registered usergroup does not have push notifications enabled by default. at least that's how it was on my beta install. took me a while to realize it.
I cannot understand easily. Could you help me with any easy method to install push notification.
This might be useful:

I have enable all checkbox for push notification but yet it cannot enable push notification in the website. Please, comment very easy to enable push notification. Any API require to put in the forum, I will do that.

Is your site running on HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate?

Note: You can only enable this option if you have the gmp, mbstring and openssl extensions enabled and have HTTPS enabled.

I believe you also have to enable push notifications for groups in permissions, which is not on by default?

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