XF 1.2 How can I disable a add on for mobile ?

This is my plugin code that I want to disable for mobile.Yes only one file available for this plugin.Can you help me with this ?


class socialaddon_Listener_social


    public static function templateHook($hookName, &$contents, array $hookParams, XenForo_Template_Abstract $template)

        if($hookName == 'body')




            $contents .= ob_get_contents();





        if($hookName == 'header')


            $contents .='<!-- arscode social slider -->

        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="arscode-social-slider/fblb.css"/>

        <!--[if lte IE 7]>

        <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="arscode-social-slider/ie7.css?ver=3.2.1" />


        <script type="text/javascript" src="arscode-social-slider/js/userscripts.js"></script>

        <!--[if lte IE 7]>

            <script type="text/javascript" src="arscode-social-slider/js/userscripts-ie7.js"></script>


        <!-- END arscode social slider -->';



I don't have much experience about variables.How can I disable add onn for mobile with using this add on?
... you've got your code above, you wrap it into a condionnal. I've given many examples in the ressource description. If you don't understand them, this addon is then not what you're looking for.
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