XF 2.0 How can I add an explain to a standalone checkboxrow?


Well-known member
I would like to add an explain where the red arrow shows:


The template code I'm using is this and it works fine, but there's no explain.
<xf:checkboxrow standalone="true">
    <xf:option name="add_slash" label="{{ phrase('affiliatemanager_add_slash') }}" checked="{$addSlashChecked}" />

I tried adding the following code below the option code, it will show the explain, but then the checkboxrow value is not passed, meaning I can't retreive it in my PHP code as a filter.
<xf:explain>{{ phrase('affiliatemanager_add_slash_explain') }}</xf:explain>
Got it.

Just remove the standalone, like this:

    <xf:option name="add_slash" label="{{ phrase('affiliatemanager_add_slash') }}" checked="{$addSlashChecked}" />
    <xf:explain>{{ phrase('affiliatemanager_add_slash_explain') }}</xf:explain>
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