Hotmail Staff Email: Complaint about message from (some IP address)


Well-known member
I just go this email to

Which is the email I have specified in the Hotmail Junk Email Reporting program.

It looks like someone 'complained' about my weekly forum digest from @AndyB

What does this mean exactly and what action should I take?

The users registered in early December, hasn't logged on since mid-december.

Does the email mean they simply reported it as spam?

There's nothing from this user in the bounce log.

Not really sure what action to take as I'm not 100% sure what caused it.

Email them directly in case it was a mistake? Put their account in a bounced email state?

The user probably reported the email as spam, you'll probably be fine if you just opt them out of this weekly digest.
Will that stop the user from receiving all site mailings though? Including updates to threads he posts in and admin site messages?
My add-on Weekly Digest follows the "Receive site mailings" switch, so if the switch is unchecked the Weekly Digest it will not send a Weekly Digest email to that particular member.
I was referring to other emails, as the OP asked about that.

Will that stop the user from receiving all site mailings though? Including updates to threads he posts in and admin site messages?
Thanks both, that's helps to clarify.

Good to know I can disable it there and they'll still get their normal more relevant alert emails.
That's quite a neat system hotmail have setup when you think about it.

Makes sense for the site admin to get feedback when certain emails get marked as spam and be able to take action accordingly, rather than continuing to shovel them into the users inbox over time, reducing your email deliverability rate overall.

It would be neat to integrate it into the bounce system and have some kind of log and alerts in the XF ACP instead of having to check a dedicated email account for any recent complaint/spam flags.
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