Home Screen Installation

Home Screen Installation 2.0.1

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So after install, I assume there should be a popup when browsing the site from a mobile device asking if you want to add the site to the home screen, just like the demo? I'm browsing the site on an iPhone 6s using Chrome and am not seeing anything after hitting reload a few times.
Same, nothing on andriod chrome nor chrome on pc. Nothing happening 🤣🤣
Same, nothing on andriod chrome nor chrome on pc. Nothing happening 🤣🤣

requires https but (assuming we're talking about the site in your signature) you've some HTTP content being loaded so that might be enough to break stuff?

Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.hibeesbounce.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,500,700'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
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Anyone tried to force the display as portrait?
"orientation": "portrait"
Still not working.

sorry for the dumb question, but I do not understand what the differences is if this addon is installed and if I do it on my mobile as a user manually without that addon.

This add-on will add your site to the home screen with the relevant icon, full screen behaviors, themes, standalone appearance without browser bar etc.

On Android 9 with Chrome, I can click for every site on the internet, then on the 3 points at the top right hand corner, then click on "add it to the homescreen" and on the next window I see already the Favicon of that Forum with the name of it and I click on "add".

That's it.

So my question is, what makes this addon differently?

P.S.: I have installed on all of my sites already different icons in teh root with special images for iOS, Android etc. with the free tool favicon generator

How the heck do i fix that one :unsure:

Your Where's The Match widget is loading a page in an iframe that's loading a CSS file (https://www.wheresthematch.com/feednet/css/widget.css) that's loading fonts from google over HTTP.

To troubleshoot this addon, open Chrome dev tools (CTRL-Shift-I) then click the Audits tab, tick the box for Progressive Web App, then click Generate Report. This should show you why/where you're having problems and give you a steer on how to fix it.
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Your Where's The Match widget is loading a page in an iframe that's loading a CSS file (https://www.wheresthematch.com/feednet/css/widget.css) that's loading fonts from google over HTTP.

To troubleshoot, open Chrome dev tools (CTRL-Shift-I) then click the Audits tab, tick the box for Progressive Web App, then click Generate Report. This should show you why/where you're having problems and give you a steer on how to fix it.

Ah got ya, thanks very much mate.
Is there any way to test if this add-on is working?
one way is
Is there any way to test if this add-on is working?

If it installs an icon of the forum on your mobile home screen, it's working. Then tap that icon and open your forum.

For most Android users, this will be automatic. Open the forum in Chrome or whatever the "Android browser" is, and you should see a popup offering to add it to the home screen.

If not, here are the manual instructions:

Chrome add to home screen.png

Just click on Settings and find Add to Home Screen and the icon will magically appear.

To use this feature on iPhone, you need one of the recent iOS upgrades, at least version 11.3. (The latest version on my iPhone 8 is 13.3.1 so most people should be fine.)

Start by loading the forum in the Safari browser, the usual way.

Then click the "Share" arrow at the bottom of the screen and scroll down the options to find "Add to Home Screen":

iphone share button in Safari.png

Tap Add to Home Screen. And you're done. :)

Now tap the home screen icon you just added and the forum should load immediately. No need to open a browser first. :)

I've added this to a couple of forums now. One of those is a forum where a lot of posts come from the field via smart phones (hunting and fishing) so they missed Tapatalk when it was canceled. The general feedback was that this addon was a perfect replacement and even better than Tapatalk for their purposes.
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My site run with https, not using tapatalk, but nothing happened on both iphone safari and android chrome. I thought this addon would showing the popup at first place. This addon definitely not working.
Ok, my turn...

First I tried to install the add-on zip file by Install/upgrade from archive, it just won't let me continue:


Then I manually upload the zip file to the server and do the unzip thing.. I put the manifest.json, service-worker.js and those 3 png files in xenforo base directory. I didn't edit anything as I just want to see if it really works.

Then I successfully installed the add-on.

I think that's all I should do?

Then I load the forum in my chrome+win10, no I don't see the + icon in address bar.

And I also open the forum in my chrome+android, tried Add to Home Screen. It still the old shortcut icon with little chrome logo on right corner. I know what it should be like, I tried another website that could do it.

It's a brand new server with HTTPS only connection.

So what's my problem?
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