XF 2.2 Hide Style chooser and Language selector for everybody

I am new to XenForo and I’m having some troubles hiding the style chooser and language selector for everyone (me as well)

I checked the threads on the subject and it seems like the best scenario for me would be to add a code in the template extra.less however it doesn’t seem to work

The reason I want it hidden is because I have 2 active themes (light and dark mode) which can be switched using an extension I purchased (so I can’t hide it by simply delete all themes and keep 1 only)

For the language selector I only have one language active, but since the translation is not 100% I believe deleting the English language would not be the right solution, instead, I would like to hide that too

Thank you :)
Hello, just add this to your extra.less template:
.p-footer-row-main {
    display: none;
Provided you use the default style. It might also work with third-party styles but it's not 100% certain.
This code only remove the language selector and style chooser.

Capture web_29-12-2022_133311_xenforo.com.jpeg

afterCapture web_29-12-2022_133253_xenforo.com.jpeg

Are you using the default style?
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