RM 2.2 Hide Rating Or Remove Rating System Full From xf resource manager

What exactly are you wanting?
The user to be able to give a review, but not rate the item?
Or simply not rate/review at all and it not show on the resource page?
I don't know (and I'm not going to go through every one of them) which all XFRM related templates you need to check but you need to go through the associated templates for viewing/display page and remove references to the ratings. Not all of them are the same, some consist of
                                                <xf:macro template="rating_macros" name="stars"
                                                    arg-rating="{$resource.rating_avg}" />
in the xfrm_widget_featured_resources template
                        <dl class="pairs pairs--justified">
                            <dt>{{ phrase('rating') }}</dt>
                                <xf:macro template="rating_macros" name="stars_text"
                                    arg-rowClass="ratingStarsRow--textBlock" />
in the xfrm_resource_view template

You can do a template search on arg-rating and maybe find most of them. But I don't know for sure if it will get all of them and you will need to be familiar with the templating format to remove the right section.
And some you may need to be in development mode to see, as the main template showing the landing page for the RM looks like is called xfrm_overview and is not a normal template you see.
And some you may need to be in development mode to see, as the main template showing the landing page for the RM looks like is called xfrm_overview and is not a normal template you see.
That's a standard front end template.

Development mode isn't required to edit any front facing templates.
I don't know (and I'm not going to go through every one of them) which all XFRM related templates you need to check but you need to go through the associated templates for viewing/display page and remove references to the ratings. Not all of them are the same, some consist of
                                                <xf:macro template="rating_macros" name="stars"
                                                    arg-rating="{$resource.rating_avg}" />
in the xfrm_widget_featured_resources template
                        <dl class="pairs pairs--justified">
                            <dt>{{ phrase('rating') }}</dt>
                                <xf:macro template="rating_macros" name="stars_text"
                                    arg-rowClass="ratingStarsRow--textBlock" />
in the xfrm_resource_view template

You can do a template search on arg-rating and maybe find most of them. But I don't know for sure if it will get all of them and you will need to be familiar with the templating format to remove the right section.
And some you may need to be in development mode to see, as the main template showing the landing page for the RM looks like is called xfrm_overview and is not a normal template you see.

we are newbie sir . we dont understand it
That's a standard front end template.

Development mode isn't required to edit any front facing templates.
Issue I had was finding the index template for them.... I had NO problems removing it from the numerous others that I found... but any search for the term RAT in turned up no results for template xfrm_overview.
The specific template I referenced does NOT show up in the template listing when doing a search when logged on normally. In fact, it didn't even show up when I enabled developer and debug modes... but that may have been due to CloudFlare caching.

The source view of the XFRM page shows this
Screen Shot 2023-03-22 at 2.23.48 AM.webp
and that template does NOT show up in the normal ACP search of templates.
Screen Shot 2023-03-22 at 2.29.02 AM.webp
In case anyone comes across this old thread looking for answers - I built an addon which hides resource ratings for you - https://xenforo.com/community/resources/hide-resource-ratings.9554/
We need this for gallery, I think it’s the same problem… and comments links too…
I'll be setting up a photo gallery on my new (private) site - I haven't decided yet how I'm dealing with ratings / comments - but I will possibly disable them, in which case I may create another addon to simplify that task.
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