XF 1.4 Hide Notable Members Link from Quick Nav Menu


Active member
Can anyone provide some code to add to extra.css so I can hide the Notable Members link from the Quick Navigation Menu?

It would be much appreciated.
Could always just open the quick_navigation_menu template

<li><a href="{xen:link members}">{xen:phrase notable_members}</a></li>
Yes, thank you, I know I can edit the template but I am trying to keep template editing to a minimum so when I upgrade they won't have to be edited again in case the template has to be reverted. That's why I asked for something to put in extra.css.
Yes, thank you, I know I can edit the template but I am trying to keep template editing to a minimum so when I upgrade they won't have to be edited again in case the template has to be reverted. That's why I asked for something to put in extra.css.

Ya don't be afraid to edit the template. But I suppose:

.jumpMenuColumn ul li:nth-child(3) {
display: none;
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