XF 1.2 Hide guest from online page

In 1.2 there is already a userLimit in the conditions:

Rich (BB code):
		$conditions = array(
			'userLimit' => $userLimit,
			'cutOff' => array('>', $sessionModel->getOnlineStatusTimeout()),
			'getInvisible' => $bypassUserPrivacy,
			'getUnconfirmed' => $bypassUserPrivacy,

			// allow force including of self, even if invisible
			'forceInclude' => ($bypassUserPrivacy ? false : XenForo_Visitor::getUserId())

Try replacing this:

Rich (BB code):
		$conditions = array(
			'userLimit' => $userLimit,
			'cutOff' => array('>', $sessionModel->getOnlineStatusTimeout()),
			'getInvisible' => $bypassUserPrivacy,
			'getUnconfirmed' => $bypassUserPrivacy,

			// allow force including of self, even if invisible
			'forceInclude' => ($bypassUserPrivacy ? false : XenForo_Visitor::getUserId())

With this:

Rich (BB code):
		$conditions = array(
			'userLimit' => ($userLimit ? $userLimit : 'registered'),
			'cutOff' => array('>', $sessionModel->getOnlineStatusTimeout()),
			'getInvisible' => $bypassUserPrivacy,
			'getUnconfirmed' => $bypassUserPrivacy,

			// allow force including of self, even if invisible
			'forceInclude' => ($bypassUserPrivacy ? false : XenForo_Visitor::getUserId())
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