XF 1.5 Hide account upgrades in responsive

Amin Sabet

Well-known member
Is there any code I can use in EXTRA.css to hide account upgrades in responsive? I'm submitting a web wrapper app to the Apple app store, and they don't allow it since it bypasses their revenue scheme for in-app payments.
In case anyone else is looking to do this in order to get a web wrapper app in compliance with app store policies, here is the solution I used:

Edit the template navigation_visitor_tab and change

<li><a href="{xen:link account/upgrades}">


<li class="hideupgrades"><a href="{xen:link account/upgrades}">

Add the following to template EXTRA.css:

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
     .hideupgrades { display: none; }
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