XF 1.2 Help with Xenporta & routes?

It really depends on the structure of XenPorta. If XenPorta puts itself in portal/, then you can just change the index route option to portal/ and it would all just work.

However, if it's still overriding the index controller, then I don't think that's possible. You may need seek XenPorta-specific assistance.
You don't want the route filters - you just want the index route.

And do you have a forums directory? That's going to cause problems...

However, I think this may be something that you need to work out for XenPorta specifically. I don't know how it does its routing.
Yeah but http://www.revillution.com/forums is doing a strange redirect - though maybe that's something else. Regardless, as it sounds like XenPorta is doing some stuff to manipulate routes, you'll likely need to post there. The standard method would simply be to change the "Index Page Route" option and everything would just switch as necessary.
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