Not every content item (thread, post, help entry, picture, wiki item, forum, Xenforo Page, member .... etc) would have a QuickLink BBcode item.
Essentially only the ones which people link to the most.
Admins could determine that.
There would be an easily accessible list of the QuickLinks - for everyone to see. ?
People could discuss the list ... suggest entries ... etc.
For those people trying to help others by linking to items .... it would save alot of time.
You could even have a QuickLinks lookup function.
View attachment 14028
Lots of easy options.
This could be a variation of the native LINKing ... not necessarily BBcode.
BBcode would be a way of doing this if not natively supported by Xenforo.
I would suggest that people do want easy ways to link to already existing xenforo items.
(1) members
(2) popular threads
(3) popular forums
(4) help items
(5) Native Xenforo
I suspect based on the popularity of recent and past links ... you could easily autogenerate lists of what are the likely items people want to link to.
Forinstance, I knew exactly what I wanted but it took me 15 seconds to get the URL for
Time is money.