[HA] Loading Effects

[HA] Loading Effects 1.0.3

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I need a loading effect while the lightbox load - not less members think it sucks, when big images load. Here will a loading effekt realy nice. :)
That would be nice. Yes.

But of course this add-on is not expanding core of XF related to loading process in different parts. It just replaces default loading effect with a few new effects. (So, its work is not to add loading process to the parts that doesn't have such process in core. And these days I'm really busy and can't add it or develop such an add-on. Customers know it somehow.)
If you want to save the time, then start pc with me. (you deleted all codes of main template of add-on and you want it to work? ;))

To be sure about your template, give a screenshot (or the codes itself) of first 2 lines of "dad_loadingeffects_progress_js" template.

Takes too much of your time I don't want to waste for such a small task :)

Yes I did delete the codes because the mobile theme is different from the main theme which runs your mod.
Takes too much of your time I don't want to waste for such a small task :)

Yes I did delete the codes because the mobile theme is different from the main theme which runs your mod.
I released a new HotFix and surely it fixed it if your theme is standard (Because I added a conditional of XF to disable the effect on mobile devices or really small window size)
Would be awesome if you could add an effect like fade in and fade out too. (possibly with the ability to stack them with another affect above it). Other then that, its an awesome little aesthetic addon!
I run XF 1.5.9
I did the upload as per any extension
When went to instal the XML file, I got this error
Callback Dadparvar_loadingeffects_Proxy::extendAdminOptionController is invalid (Invalid Class).

NEVERMIND: I uploaded the contents again and its working... Silly Me
I run XF 1.5.9
I did the upload as per any extension
When went to instal the XML file, I got this error
Callback Dadparvar_loadingeffects_Proxy::extendAdminOptionController is invalid (Invalid Class).
Reupload files mamually and re import xml.
See what happens.
Its working fine on 1.5.9
Doesnt seem to work on 1.5.11, an update/patch would be appreciated.
Sure? Just installed it on a 1.5.12 to test, and everything worked fine. Can you please remove it and install it again? also from its options, set the "Effect" because by default it is set to "Nothing".
Sure? Just installed it on a 1.5.12 to test, and everything worked fine. Can you please remove it and install it again? also from its options, set the "Effect" because by default it is set to "Nothing".
May be an issue with UI.X

I enable it (any effect), nothing happens on any page.
May be an issue with UI.X

I enable it (any effect), nothing happens on any page.
Hmm maybe again a problem with UI.X
Although one of those reviewers has uix based style and had no problem.

Right now I don't have a uix based style installed but will check till tomorrow and if found, will update the addon.
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