Google Your Screen Names More Often


Well-known member
I was googling my screen name out of boredom and found out this site this chick invited me to a long time ago, changed my profile privacy settings and displayed the email I signed up with publically on my profile. I logged in and made it private again. I mean too late now but no wonder that email gets so much spam...
Ha! 10,900,000 results. At least on the first five pages, nothing related to me. (didn't look past 5)

Email address I normally use, is an alias for my primary. So, I could just shut that off (the alias) if it were leaked or published publicly.
Yeah... 3 or 4 letter screen names probably ain't a good idea.

It's a good idea if you want to stay somewhat anonymous. I prefer to keep this 'screen name' completely isolated from the sites I have ownership in.

Having just a random Joe Q. Public search my screen name, bothers me. :)
It's a good idea if you want to stay somewhat anonymous. I prefer to keep this 'screen name' completely isolated from the sites I have ownership in.

Having just a random Joe Q. Public search my screen name, bothers me. :)
this is true. i learned this after acquiring a certain amount of stalkers over time.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of aliases celebrities post under on other sites.
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