XF 2.0 Google SMTP not working


Active member
Hey guys,

I decided to use Google Apps for Business for my forums since it's relatively cheap at this point. However, I quickly found out that Xenforo and more precisely swiftymailer cannot connect to smtp.google.com. No matter if I choose SSL or TLS (both ports), it gives me the same error:

!! Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com [Connection timed out #110] (code: 0)

The forum is ran on a dedicated server so basically, I'm in control of everything. The email address works with no problem if I use a dedicated email client with the same settings. The server also has SSL enabled with no issues there. I also tried to configure exim with the best of my abilities (adding trusted hosts, ips etc)...nothing works so far.

On the same server I have a site that also works through G Apps, the difference being it uses phpmailer instead of swift and it works with no problem. That tells me that exim isn't necessarily a problem here. It's either a setting(s) from G Apps which I missed or something with Xenforo (Swiftmailer).

Thanks in advance.
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yes, my server didn't had ipv5 addresses assigned by the IPS and that solved it. I tried telneting smtp.gmail.com and I've noticed it take a while to resolve google's ipv6 address, giving a timeout then retrying ipv4.
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