"Google May 2020 Core Update" affecting your xF Forum?

I don't have time to play Google's games.
Why don't they just go back to their first algorthym
Rank sites according to popularity.
My site has a lot of politics and I am convinced they censor it to page 6 or 7.

If we all started using DuckDuckGo, Bing or IXQuick
Googles alogrtyhms would be irrelevant,.
What you need to do now as a site owner is find ways to make your site one of the best answers to the question posed in the search query.

One of the prominent websites mentioned in the German seo article lost 28% traffic - besides being one of the best tech sites in Germany. They use Xenforo but the forum is only a small part of their site.

A Wikipedia spam clone site now has more traffic.

One of the prominent websites mentioned in the German seo article lost 28% traffic - besides being one of the best tech sites in Germany. They use Xenforo but the forum is only a small part of their site.

A Wikipedia spam clone site now has more traffic.

Google are a law unto themselves.
If they make changes to their alogrthims they should advise people.
Not make them spend months finding out what to do.
Thats why I don't use them for my browser or my search.
Just checked one of my other forums, one I don't really care about, and we did absolutely nothing so what on earth is going on here:

Screenshot 2020-05-20 at 17.38.00.webp
As with any Google Core update, there are winners and losers. Welcome to the winners' circle. :)

Strangely, when the COVID-19 lockdowns hit, sites everywhere initially were dropping huge amounts of traffic. But for reasons I couldn't figure out, my main site (not a forum) saw a substantial jump in traffic which was sustained for about 2 weeks. Then as other sites started seeing recovery in their traffic, mine dropped back to normal.

Who knows what lurks in the minds of internet searchers and users? :)
You need to check your Google search console clicks. It's a more relevant graphic to understand if you were affected or not.

Good point, but isn't the Google analytics user overview still a decent indicator, appears to be very similar


Screenshot 2020-05-20 at 18.14.00.webp
We had been top in certain keywords for about 5 years now. Now, all of a sudden facebook, reddit, and a wiki site pull ahead of us. Our stuff is always relevant and the newest (the others tend to take our stuff and repost on the sites beating us now). We've even gone a step further than most and have labeled things so it's much easier to find what you are looking for (the things I'm talking about with video games, things can either be working or patched, and we've labeled them as such where the other sites do not). I find it hard to believe that the leader in these keywords have been overtaken by those that steal our content. The ONLY explanation I have is Google has decided that internet GIANTS should always be at the top of the list.

The only good news is we've gone up from the initial drop by about 20%. Initial drop was 39%, we are now at a 27% drop. Sadly, if Google is pushing more and more to Facebook or Reddit over my site, I don't see us recovering much more from here. Sad to see sites that steal from you, beat you. Or sites that are more focused on meme's and trolling end up beating you. Really ****ing stupid.
Google can kiss my (you fill in the blanks)
They censor my forum which is based on politics and opinion
They show dead forums, and blogs ahead of my forum
They removed my byline - "Forum New Zealand American poltics, discsusion community"
other search engines put me at the top of page 1.
Ten cores
60 GB (guaranteed)
1600 GB
100% SSD
1000 Mbit/s port

In any case, I think it will remove even the vps. But it divides 60 gb on the server.
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