Google loves Wordpress

Forum down ranking by Google is justified as threads are horrible at creating good digestible data.

Google will continue to down rank forums ad infinitum. Book it.
Sadly, as awesome as WordPress is from a usability standpoint and as great as some themes are from a SEO standpoint, the source code is an utter mess.

And this starts right from the core. I did a plugin once for a customer which needs to run through all published posts (and pages), modify stuff, update it in database. 35k posts in database (including everything else, we have 120k rows in wp_posts and I don't even want to check how many in wp_postmeta). Using $wpdb it was 38 minutes! I then reconsidered the script using PDO and my own connection - same exact SQL queries and it was done after 25 seconds.
And no, I didn't even use the WP API to update the post_content but only MySQL which is why the script was updated fairly quick.

And now the database has surpassed some limit and thus there is a bottleneck somewhere - mysql is always over 100% CPU and load is over 8 most of the time and sometimes over 20. Until some magic happens and it cools down to sub-1. It is so horrible...

A XenForo with well over 1M posts performs A LOT better.
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