XF 2.1 God I hate HTACCESS


New member
I cant Get past webleys attempt to force me to use their stupid web buiider. I cant seem to get my landing page to be the front page of my forum without nine thousand support teams. I just do not understand why /forum/has to be the front page with deciphering htaccess, it should default to front page then htaccess to /forums/ I have always hated this about forum software. They (hostigater crooks) are holding people hostage with their stupid setup, I will move my server because of this, but I am not sure that will help my forum SOFTWARE problem, Do i need to start from scratch or what? all i need is my page to cooperate with the Mobil viewer! then land on the forum or just go to the freaking forum that has the Mobil veiwer built in and why i bought the software?

Now how can I get my front page to show as /index.php without going to /forum/ to either go to a splash page that had the Mobil Viewer. I am begging you to help me get past this Default disaster settings. I want a web page. not a forum. but I want the things that the forum can do. But I am just sick of trying to get past hositgater to get my stupid software to work as a front page.
Every person in america is going through this I thought you may sell some software as websites instead of just the dying forums. but i cannot buy another copy till this is resolved for me.
I bought it with other uses in mind. It's good software. But FORUM is last on the list.
I use the forums but only as secondary feature. I have bought over 200 forum lic in my life and all of them. Including xenforo vb and all the open source forums.... Every one.
I bought it with other uses in mind. It's good software. But FORUM is last on the list.
I use the forums but only as secondary feature. I have bought over 200 forum lic in my life and all of them. Including vbulliton and all the open source forums.... Every one.

Forum is first on the list for XenForo, it's the primary focus.
You can create custom pages to serve as a homepage or bridge it with WordPress.
All you want is to set the landing page (I assume a page created in your site) as your home page without having /forums at the end?

If yes, then why don't you use the Basic Options to set that page as the home page? Also make sure to turn on/off Friendly URLs based on your needs.

That's how my site is also set up. (My main site, not xenpro)

But if I'm misunderstood, then I'll be happy to help if you describe what exactly you want to achieve.
All you want is to set the landing page (I assume a page created in your site) as your home page without having /forums at the end?

If yes, then why don't you use the Basic Options to set that page as the home page? Also make sure to turn on/off Friendly URLs based on your needs.

That's how my site is also set up. (My main site, not xenpro)

But if I'm misunderstood, then I'll be happy to help if you describe what exactly you want to achieve.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS_HOST} ^aprilsworld.com/FORUM/index.php?media/categories/aprils-world.1/$ [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS_HOST} ^www.https://aprilsworld.com/FORUM/index.php?media/categories/aprils-world.1/$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !folder/
RewriteRule (.*) /FORUM/$1 [L]

xenfro says not to add any trailing / so how do I set it for another page? without including the trailing Code?

this hostigator htaccess wont allow it

so their SPAM code is trying to force me to buy webley! if I do that wont need xenforo now will I. They also let you build a small part of the website then charge you to finish, I cant buy that from crooks like that i will pull the site down before I pay their extortion.
it builds the Htaccess files and also hides dupicate files in anouther directory so you cant just edit index.html
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Basically alI want is my domain to go to https//aprilsworld.com/media instead of /forum!

but really it is mission impossible. let us pretend you sell an add on called /media and I want it to be front page instead of /forum...is that possable in our world?
Basically alI want is my domain to go to https//aprilsworld.com/media instead of /forum!
Delete all the unnecessary things that you did.

And simply go to Options->Basic Board Information->Index Page Route
and set it to media
This way, when a user enters your domain, it shows the media as the first page without any changes to the URL, then if they click on the forums from the navigation, they will go to forums. Again, if they click on Home, they will go to the media, but the domain will be with no more words in it because the Index Page Route was set to media.
If it was only that easy. See I couldnt get it to go to media. So I just used the webpage builder but that was a MISTAKE.

They have a game were they get you half built then charge you to continue ti use the hostgator webpage editor.

If I delete them and I think they have a folder that writes to anouther index.html and htaccess. So They highjacked me really.

I mean I can make a spash page but not compliant to mobile veiws.

So I dont know. I can break the files names and I tried that but it wouldn't resolve out as you say set it up. Scared to wind up with no page. So cant delete till I can make it work
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