Getting Moderators into an inactive site?


Well-known member
When Xenforo is set to inactive of course Admins can get in. Is there a way to get the moderators in as well?
There is no configurable option for that.

One little trick I just discovered is that you can create an admin with no admin permissions:

Admin CP -> Users -> Administrator -> Create New Administrator

An admin without permissions has the is_admin flag set which gets them into the forum while it's closed. They can login to the Admin CP but they have no access except for:

Admin CP -> Tools -> Rebuild Caches

If you don't like that solution then you can dig into the code. This is the relevant code from what I can see:


	protected function _assertBoardActive($action)
		$options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
		if (!$options->boardActive && !XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->get('is_admin'))
			throw new XenForo_Exception($options->boardInactiveMessage, true);


		$params['showBoardClosedNoticed'] = (
			&& XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->get('is_admin')

Maybe some one can make an addon for this so you don't have to modify the files:
Don't forget you can also add .htaccess to the admin.php file and not give the login details to your mods that shouldn't have access.

And if you have a few admins but have an admin only forum, make sure the node permissions for usergroup moderators is set to DENY on the admin forum instead of inherit, that way they don't get access to the admin section
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