XF 1.1 GetClicky Analytics w/ Xenforo


Does anyone use GetClicky analytics on their forum? If so, could you please let me know which code is best to use and where to put it to get it running on my forum?

I use it on blogs, but it's a simple plug in. No clue where to start really here on Xenforo.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
The FAQ explains where to add JS, which is presumably what you need to track the data.

Where can additional JavaScript be placed?
Additional JavaScript can be placed in the PAGE_CONTAINER, page_container_js_head or page_container_js_body templates. If PAGE_CONTAINER is used, it can be placed anywhere in the template. If page_container_js_head is used, it will be included in the head section of PAGE_CONTAINER. If page_container_js_body is used, it will be included in the body section of PAGE_CONTAINER, after the footer. It depends on the JavaScript to a large extent; some require to be placed in the head, some in the body.

A little tip for you.


<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<script type="text/javascript">
  var clicky_custom = {};
  clicky_custom.session = {
    username: "{$visitor.username}",

just before the clicky code.

It will allow you to track you members on the stats. so you can see them by name on the spy page etc.
A little tip for you.


<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<script type="text/javascript">
  var clicky_custom = {};
  clicky_custom.session = {
    username: "{$visitor.username}",

just before the clicky code.

It will allow you to track you members on the stats. so you can see them by name on the spy page etc.

Awesome, will definitely try this, thanks!
A little tip for you.


<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
<script type="text/javascript">
  var clicky_custom = {};
  clicky_custom.session = {
    username: "{$visitor.username}",

just before the clicky code.

It will allow you to track you members on the stats. so you can see them by name on the spy page etc.

Great code, it was working for a while, but I'm guessing that it only works with Clicky's Premium feature?
Another old thread I am dragging up but the shoe fits so . . .

The latest code installation instructions from the Clicky website says to intall it in the header or the footer and I am choosing the footer (though I don't know why since it isn't visible). My question is should I add it to the footer template or the footer.css template?
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