Get rid of this button?

I removed the Help button using the TMS (template modification system -addon).

template: Navigation

<xen:if is="{$}">
  <li class="navTab help {xen:if $, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">
    <a href="{$}" class="navLink" rel="help">{$}</a>
    <a href="{$}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a>
    <div class="{xen:if {$}, 'tabLinks', 'Menu JsOnly tabMenu'}">
    <div class="primaryContent menuHeader">
      <div class="muted">{xen:phrase quick_links}</div>
    <ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
    <xen:hook name="navigation_tabs_help">
      <li><a href="{xen:link help/smilies}">{xen:phrase smilies}</a></li>
      <li><a href="{xen:link help/bb-codes}">{xen:phrase bb_codes}</a></li>
      <li><a href="{xen:link help/trophies}">{xen:phrase trophies}</a></li>

leave the field completely blank

Bascially this means the help tab code is never executed. No styling change is required because the tab no longer exists when your page is served out.

I highly recommend using the TMS.
Interesting how some things come back and bite you. While my TMS edit removed the Help tab, it also removed the tabLinks bar (that sits below the navTabs). This shows up ONLY when you click on Terms and Rules taking you to the "terms" page (all other pages are fine; this is why it took me a long time to discover the problem). The Terms and Rules link is at the bottom of the forum.

Using Shelley's CSS, the Help tab is not displayed, however the tabLinks still show when viewing the terms page. I changed my TMS edit to:

<ul class="secondaryContent blockLinksList">
      <xen:hook name="navigation_tabs_help">
            <li><a href="{xen:link help/smilies}">{xen:phrase smilies}</a></li>
            <li><a href="{xen:link help/bb-codes}">{xen:phrase bb_codes}</a></li>
            <li><a href="{xen:link help/trophies}">{xen:phrase trophies}</a></li>

replace (blank)

This removes the tabLinks. I expect Shelley will be along shortly to say "Just use this xyz CSS to make these disappear too".
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