Well-known member
I have a query that I am doing some aggregation through and therefore not using finder. I would also like to retrieve the avatars of the users that are returned. The problem I have is when I loop through the variable in the template I am now in user order and not the order defined in the query. For example, below the data does not return in descending order. Is there a different way I should be doing this?
$db = \XF::db();
$values = $db->fetchAllKeyed("
,count(case when xf_reaction.reaction_score > 0 then 1 end) as positive_reactions
,count(case when xf_reaction.reaction_score = 0 then 1 end) as neutral_reactions
,count(case when xf_reaction.reaction_score < 0 then 1 end) as negative_reactions
from xf_reaction
inner join xf_reaction_content on xf_reaction.reaction_id = xf_reaction_content.reaction_id
inner join xf_user on xf_reaction_content.reaction_user_id = xf_user.user_id
where xf_reaction_content.content_user_id = ?
and xf_reaction_content.is_counted = 1
group by xf_user.user_id
order by positive_reactions desc
limit 50","user_id", $userId);
$users = \XF::em()->findByIds('XF:User', array_keys($values));
<xf:foreach loop="$users" value="$user" key="$userId">
<tr class="dataList-row">
<td class="dataList-cell">
<div class="contentRow contentRow--alignMiddle">
<div class="contentRow-figure">
<xf:avatar user="$user" size="xs" />
<div class="contentRow-main">
<a href="{{ link('members/', $user) }}">{$user.username}</a>
<td class="dataList-cell">
<td class="dataList-cell">
<td class="dataList-cell">