General HTML and CSS


Well-known member
I'm making a custom right hand side bar as such, which spans 100% of the height of the forum, over the header too. I have the following html and css;

.container {
width: 100%;

.columnLeft {
float: left;
width: 20%;
.columnRight {
float: right;
width: 80%;

<div class="container">
  <div class="columnLeft">
  <-- Sidebar HTML -->

  <div class="columnRight">
  <-- Forum HTML -->

It works fine in that I have two columns next to each other but, when I resize the browser down the right hand column drops below the left. Is there an easy way to just make the left column a fixed with and have the right hand column scale with the window resize?
Sorted this.

I made the fixed column float to the left and gave it a 230px width. Then I set the right column up to have a margin-left of 230px. This seems to work smashingly. Although, I had to remove a few clear: both; from the default styling to get the content to sit back up at the top. Made the posts look funky too, needed some adjustment.
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