Gamingo [Paid] [Deleted]


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XenStyle submitted a new resource:

Gamingo - A stylistic and light multi-purpose theme.

Gamingo Style



Gamingo is a very popular multi-purpose theme. It features an elegant, light, and unique look that makes for a great gaming, sports, or entertainment site.

Gamingo's concept was originally introduced by the Xenforo community's very own, @Miner. Xenstyle has paired with Miner in order to bring this style back to its' original...

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what about people like me who spent money on styles with minerskinz that never worked and never got refunds. I had this skin and my updates hadn't run out and the metro skin was a disaster, miner just abandoned them
what about people like me who spent money on styles with minerskinz that never worked and never got refunds. I had this skin and my updates hadn't run out and the metro skin was a disaster, miner just abandoned them

Or people like me who actually bought Gamingo and then found that minerskinz site had gone so had nothing for our money.
I can understand both of your frustrations. However, I am not Miner and I am not affiliated with Minerskinz. I pursued the rights to these styles because I believe they were solid designs. With that being said, anyone who used them after 1.2 knows the coding was a disaster.

I am working diligently to recode all of his past designs along with some new ones. As an independent developer, I ask for your support and to understand that a lot of work went into bringing these back from the dead.

If you have anymore questions, I would be happy to answer them :)!
I can understand both of your frustrations. However, I am not Miner and I am not affiliated with Minerskinz. I pursued the rights to these styles because I believe they were solid designs. With that being said, anyone who used them after 1.2 knows the coding was a disaster.

I am working diligently to recode all of his past designs along with some new ones. As an independent developer, I ask for your support and to understand that a lot of work went into bringing these back from the dead.

If you have anymore questions, I would be happy to answer them :)!

Then this statement isn't correct:-
Gamingo's concept was originally introduced by the Xenforo community's very own, Miner. Xenstyle has paired with Miner in order to bring this style back to its' original glory.
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