MG 1.0 Gallery new media count and comment count on custom tabs


Well-known member
Hi all,
I have added an off-canvas menu (it's really good) and I am trying to get the count to show on one of the menus, for the XFMG?
I tried using tips this post;

But I couldn't crack it.
Does anyone know how to display the new media/comment count alerts on a link tab?
here's some bits I tried.
I know the extra tabs class and extra tab counter are what does it, but I have the link and tried all sorts to get the counters to show with no joy..

        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
         <li><a href="{xen:link media}" class="navLink"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>{xen:phrase xengallery_media}</a></li>

        <!-- extra tabs: home -->
        <xen:if is="{$extraTabs.home}">
        <xen:foreach loop="$extraTabs.home" key="$extraTabId" value="$extraTab">
            <xen:if is="{$extraTab.linksTemplate}">
            <xen:if is="@xb_nav_disablesub">
            <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected'} Popup PopupControl PopupClosed">
            <xen:else />
            <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">

                <a href="{" class="navLink<xen:if is="@xb_nav_disablearrow"> NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu</xen:if>">{$extraTab.title}<xen:if is="{$extraTab.counter}"><strong class="itemCount"><span class="Total">{$extraTab.counter}</span><span class="arrow"></span></strong></xen:if></a>
                <xen:if is="!@xb_nav_disablearrow"><a href="{$extraTab.href}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a></xen:if>
                <div class="xbTabPopupArrow">
                    <span class="arrow"><span></span></span>

        <li><a href="$extraTab.href}" class="navLink"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>{xen:phrase xengallery_media}</a></li>
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
         <li><a href="{xen:link media}" class="navLink"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i>{xen:phrase xengallery_media}</a></li>
I even tried just using the link not the xen link. Tough one.

Hope someone knows how to do this, would appreciate the assistance.
Many thanks!
Quick update;
I've managed to get so far with it, now just need to work out where to place the text fields and counters as they show above the FA icons.
This will be handy for anyone wanting to do the same..

                <i class="fa fa-picture-o"><a href="{xen:link media}" class="navLink<xen:if is="@xb_nav_disablearrow"> NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu</xen:if>">{$extraTab.title}<xen:if is="{$extraTab.counter}"></i><strong class="itemCount"><span class="Total">{$extraTab.counter}</span><span class="arrow"></span></strong></xen:if></a>
                <xen:if is="!@xb_nav_disablearrow"><a href="{$extraTab.href}" class="SplitCtrl" rel="Menu"></a></xen:if>
                <div class="xbTabPopupArrow">
                    <span class="arrow"><span></span></span>
If anyone's interested - all done.. :)

        <!-- extra tabs: home -->
        <xen:if is="{$extraTabs.home}">
        <xen:foreach loop="$extraTabs.home" key="$extraTabId" value="$extraTab">
            <xen:if is="{$extraTab.linksTemplate}">
            <xen:if is="@xb_nav_disablesub">
            <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected'} Popup PopupControl PopupClosed">
            <xen:else />
            <li class="navTab {$extraTabId} {xen:if $extraTab.selected, 'selected', 'Popup PopupControl PopupClosed'}">
      <a href="{xen:link media}" class="navLink<<xen:if is="@xb_nav_disablearrow"> NoPopupGadget" rel="Menu</xen:if>"><i class="fa fa-picture-o fa-4x"><xen:if is="{$extraTab.counter}"><strong class="itemCount"><span class="Total">{$extraTab.counter}</span></strong></xen:if></i>{$extraTab.title}</a>

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