MG 2.1 Gallery Embed too Small

Jim Fox

Active member
Is there a way to get the image that the Gallery Embed inserts into a Post to be the "Full" size?

In XF1, when an image was Embedded from the Gallery it was full size, now it's like a Small or Medium size?

When posting via BBCode, you can chose the "Full" size there, and it works. But it's a hassle and my users are already complaining they have to select and copy and paste and switch screens, etc. where in XF1 all they had to do was click on the Gallery Embed icon.

Thanks for any help,


This screen print shows (we were testing because of the XF2 recent upgrade) Gallery Embed at top and how small they are, and the BBCode copied and pasted into the post and how big it is.
Sadly they are hardcoded at the moment but you should be able to override by putting this in extra.less
    width: 100%;
        width: 242px; // 250px - borders and margins
Sadly they are hardcoded at the moment but you should be able to override by putting this in extra.less
    width: 100%;
        width: 242px; // 250px - borders and margins

this is a nice improve for images that take up the whole space....however, for example, a large portrait style rectangle image is sloppy looking....the embed container is taking up full width but the image is not centered and looks sort of bad...

i tried a couple quick css codes to make the container the same size width as the image but failed so far...

any ideas?
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