Fusion Gamer - PixelExit.com [Deleted]

Quickie update... I have a rather large personal matter to attend to today so an update for the style should be out tonight/tomorrow.

Included here's a changelog so far:

- 1.1.4 Compatibility
- RM 1.0 Compatibility
- Added XenPorta support
- Added TaigeChat Support
- Added Arcade support
- Hover effect on node list
- Hover effect on Like/Edit/Report ect...
- Increased Sidebar Width to default(had some issues with certain plugins)
- Removed text-shadow on navigation
- Fixed Help page coloring
- Fixed thread_view bug
I am getting round to purchasing this skin, (in green) my only gripe is that I dislike the "orange" on hover, and drop down menu's etc, I'd prefer that to be the same colour as my style (green)
The orange is controlled via 2 different color palettes, you can easily change it as none of its hard coded :)
the new version of this spectacular style, supports XenForo 1.1.4?

Of course, only 4 outdated templates but I expected those to be there as it's the navigation, thread view and breadcrumb. Those will be updated accordingly.
Now this is the first time my jaw dropped at a style :P so I'm interested in buying it, however a small question before I do. Once bought will I receive unlimited updates from it?

Thanks (btw good job on the mobile style, I like it)
Now this is the first time my jaw dropped at a style :p so I'm interested in buying it, however a small question before I do. Once bought will I receive unlimited updates from it?

Thanks (btw good job on the mobile style, I like it)

First off thanks for the kind comments :), as for the style you get access to updates for a year. Upon purchasing you'll get access to our customer area at our website where you're able to download it throughout that time. All updates will be pushed out via the customer area on our forums.


Hopefully we can do business together :)
It would have been nice if there was a "Light" themed version. It isn't too hard to change it. Still modifying it, but this is after 20 minutes in extra.css

It would have been nice if there was a "Light" themed version. It isn't too hard to change it. Still modifying it, but this is after 20 minutes in extra.css


One of my priorities is to come out with a light version, so it is on the way! :D
Russ updated Fusion Gamer with a new update entry:

Large Fusion Gamer Update

- Added support for 1.1.4
- Added support for the Resource Manager
- Added a Minecraft style
- Added XenPorta support
- Added TaigeChat Support
- Added Arcade support
- Hover effect on node list
- Hover effect on Like/Edit/Report ect...
- Increased Sidebar Width to default(had some issues with certain plugins)
- Removed text-shadow on navigation
- Fixed Help page coloring
- Fixed thread_view bug
- Moved Search Menu into sub-nav area(like normal to save space)
- Ability to have...

Read the rest of this update entry...
One of my priorities is to come out with a light version, so it is on the way! :D

Will the light version be released with the dark version, or will it require a separate purchase... ? Also, what's the time scale on a light version being released.
Will the light version be released with the dark version, or will it require a separate purchase... ? Also, what's the time scale on a light version being released.

I haven't quite decided to be honest with you, changing that much probably won't work well for a child style so it would act as a different style entirely. No ETA though yet sadly :(
can any background be put in there or only the ones shown?
Yes, and it's actually quite easy to do.

You'll need to upload the images on your web hosting, I would recommend in your /styles/fusiongamer/xenforo/images/ to keep it organized.

Last step open up your extra.css and add this snippit:

html {

background: url("linktowallpaper") no-repeat fixed center top #000000;

Nice skin!

Is there a way to get rid of that user panel though?

And replace it with the default one the one at the sidebar
Nice skin!

Is there a way to get rid of that user panel though?

And replace it with the default one the one at the sidebar

Wrote you privately in our PM but for anyone else, this is easily achieved by reverting 3 templates in the master template:


Then you'll more than likely need to increase the width of your pageWidth in Style Properties.
Wrote you privately in our PM but for anyone else, this is easily achieved by reverting 3 templates in the master template:


Then you'll more than likely need to increase the width of your pageWidth in Style Properties.
I kinda liked the user panel where you put it, but after a while it seemed out of place.
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