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Fully nested quotes in the editor

Jake Bunce

Well-known member
(per this post)

XenForo supports nested quotes, but the reply form only quotes one-level deep. That's not to say you can't manually nest the quotes. It will work.

If you want the editor to automatically do fully nested quotes then you need to modify the code:


This is the relevant code:

	 * Displays a form to add a reply to a thread.
	 * @return XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract
	public function actionQuote()
		$postId = $this->_input->filterSingle('post_id', XenForo_Input::UINT);

		$ftpHelper = $this->getHelper('ForumThreadPost');
		list($post, $thread, $forum) = $ftpHelper->assertPostValidAndViewable($postId,  array(
			'join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER

		$quote = $this->_getPostModel()->getQuoteTextForPost($post);

		$viewParams = array(
			'thread' => $thread,
			'forum' => $forum,
			'post' => $post,
			'quote' => $quote

		return $this->responseView('XenForo_ViewPublic_Post_Quote', 'post_quote', $viewParams);

You would need to modify this line:

		$quote = $this->_getPostModel()->getQuoteTextForPost($post);

like so:

		$quote = $this->_getPostModel()->getQuoteTextForPost($post, -1);

Directly editing the files isn't ideal. You should use an addon. If you are a programmer then you can post in the Development Questions forum for help with this. Or post an Add-on Request and some one may be able to write this for you.
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