XF 2.1 Front page with articles +


New member
I've gone through the manual but still several things that are unclear to me. Asking about the most important features for me first.

1. How can I set up the home/front page to have articles and news with a picture and small introduction text under? Should be a standard format that retailers can use with ease.
Similar to this:
frontpage with articles and news.webp

2. Would like to restrict adding articles/news to retailers who pay for it. Any recommendations of doing this? How do I set up a payment service?
Another question:
I followed this description in order to replace the Xenforo header logo.
6. How do I replace the XenForo header logo with my own?
Upload your logo to the server and change the image path in the ACP -> Styles -> Style Properties -> Header and Navigation -> Settings: Header Logo Image Path.

However, the Xenforo header is still there as can be seen in the picture.
replacing header.webp
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