Fresh Air?

You ride, because the average person has no idea what those are. :cool:
I used to ride a lot off street, now I am more of a stand up and kiss the bars on a 1000 at hundred type of dude...but yeah there is nothing like hitting the whoops full blast just right and killin a hairpin right after. MotoX is like geometric and physics poetry in motion...if someone has never goosed it and rode it out they have no clue what they are missing...what a rush.


(joking of course)

More than I should, but not enough that I should either. Its a win, win, lose, lose kind of thing

double negatives make that a win win win. Congrats on the hat trick.

personally now that I am getting somewhere with coding...I would be on my computer 14 hours a day making addons and such...but changes in my life have brought on obligations which force me to make a taxable income. Since I feel as though I am not worthy of charging for actual coding (I don't consider HTML and CSS my head they are more like a cnc approach to photoshop ...php ruby asp and all those types are coding ..again to me) , my time that I can dedicate to being behind a keyboard has been cut into about 4-6% of what I used to spend daily. If I could get an actual job doing web /computer stuff I would be happy to take employment (no one will hire me because I dropped out of high school)...but to start something on my own right now would be downright stupid.

I guess it is back to dangerous work around grown men that act like children and make that job even more dangerous because they think things like changing the loading diameter of a moving machine is funny when the guy puts a part in and snaps his finger halfway across the back of his hand...which is better than losing it completely I guess.


I miss my computers....
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