Well-known member
As the title says, I'm offering for free the code and copyright of my vBulletin4 AddOns, according to follow terms:
As the title says, I'm offering for free the code and copyright of my vBulletin4 AddOns, according to follow terms:
- I Don't ask for any money. A Donation should be welcome but not obligue.
- I Don't ask any credit in files.
- The only that I ask is a database compatibility (or at least an importer), so users of vBulletin can move their data easily from vB to xF.
- I prefer to give one AddOn per developer.
- eCommerce
- Media Gallery
- Rate My Photo
- Memberlist
- xxxMates Adult Dating
- there are also some others not updated for vB422 like microSUPPORT, Auctions, Classifieds, Reviews, General Dating, Contact Us, Donations, Mailinglist manager, Newsletter (Forum activity) and maybe more.
- And for those who are familiar with vB3 coding, I can give 3 of my really flagship addons (A small fee may apply for these, as they're really big addons. eg vbClubs has 90+ tables and around 80 php files):
- microTRAVEL
- vbClubs
- vbEngine