forwarding conversations


Well-known member
Is there a way to forward conversations (like how you can forward a pm on vb)? Just because it could be useful from a modding point of view - we quite often forward messages to each other on staff because it helps keep everyone in the loop without having to start a thread about it.

I can't see a way to forward a conversation, so figured I'd ask about it... :)
yeah but then any replies in that conversation can be seen by the previous participants - say you have a conversation with a problem member, which you want to then forward to the other staff members, you can't discuss that converstion in the conversation thread. With a pm, you can reply to a forward and it won't be seen by the member involved in the pre-forwarded pm (if that makes sense?) - it doesn't seem like you can do that with conversations, unless I'm just being dense lol.
yeah but then any replies in that conversation can be seen by the previous participants - say you have a conversation with a problem member, which you want to then forward to the other staff members, you can't discuss that converstion in the conversation thread. With a pm, you can reply to a forward and it won't be seen by the member involved in the pre-forwarded pm (if that makes sense?) - it doesn't seem like you can do that with conversations, unless I'm just being dense lol.
Has this (conversation forwarding) been implemented by anyone yet?
So FWDing would be:
duplicating the conversation.
removing all members, but the forwarder and the forwardee ?
it would be just like an email forward. It could be countless pm's back and forth between users, and one can click to forward staff the entire convo without alerting other users of staff involvement.
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