loading problem


Well-known member
Ow :/

Fatal error: Zend OPcache class loading error, class XenForo_Model_User, function prepareUserOrderOptions in /home/sites/ on line 119

DP is on vacation, so who will gonna fix this :rolleyes:
DP is on vacation, so who will gonna fix this

He probably made arrangements with another staff member to take care of the technical stuff before going to jail. I can't imagine he'd just leave his site, which is large, to chance for the whole time he's out of commission.
still error on my end
Fatal error: Zend OPcache class loading error, class XenForo_Model_User, function prepareUserOrderOptions in /home/sites/ on line 119
Zend Opcache module crashed? Probably "just" needs a restart of PHP-FPM to fix it... if there was someone (or something) to restart it. :oops:
I remember he said that he don't trust in anyone so he was leaving his servers running with the hope that everything will work fine!
And this is the reason I can't enable,disable, edit Template Modification, because I have 2 addons from DP :(
Even installing an addon takes 3 minutes because DP server is down and some of his addon has callback :(
I'm sorry DP if I breach your TOS but I have to add this into my server hosts file:

To recover my problem related to your callback/api server being down.
And this is the reason I can't enable,disable, edit Template Modification, because I have 2 addons from DP :(
Even installing an addon takes 3 minutes because DP server is down and some of his addon has callback :(
So this might have been the cause of my spiked server loads last week..
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