XF 1.2 Forum stats - Comment out Members:


Hi all,

I wanted to temp comment out the 'Members:' displayed on my forum, however I'm not sure which template / code to comment out?

Only need this to be a temp thing until we grow our member base, we're currently just under 100 members and I wanted to make the total member count private until we gain traction.

Any help appreciated : )
Hi all,

I wanted to temp comment out the 'Members:' displayed on my forum, however I'm not sure which template / code to comment out?

Only need this to be a temp thing until we grow our member base, we're currently just under 100 members and I wanted to make the total member count private until we gain traction.

Any help appreciated : )

You could add the following in your extra.css template.

Edit: this would hide the whole line. Members: and the members count

#boardStats .memberCount {display: none;}
You can do what Shelley suggest above which will hide it.
If you want to remove it completely, edit the forum_list template and wrap this bit of code in xen:comment tags:
<dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_count}:</dt>
                        <dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</dd></dl>

Like so:
<xen:comment><dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_count}:</dt>
                        <dd>{xen:number $boardTotals.users}</dd></dl></xen:comment>

Or just delete it completely.
Thanks guys really appreciate your help, as you can tell I totally suck at coding although starting to find my way around xenforo, really like it : )

I've done the code update but it's still showing, however I'm on cloudflare, just flushed the cache and hoping that'll do the trick?
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