Active member
I am doing my best to keep a positive attitude about learning this confusing matrix of user/group/node permissions when trying to allow specific perms for specific groups and/or users, but it's really starting to get to me. I've yet to have a conversation with anyone who truly understands them. Even when I search topics here I can rarely get an specific answer. I get bits and pieces from numerous threads at best, but it never seems to come together for me. I guess I am venting, but it's more of an explanation of why I'm asking so many questions about permissions. I guess the only way for me to learn this maze is to keep asking the same dumb questions over and over until I finally get it, if y'all don't run me off first.
My latest head-banging exercise is trying to assign a user as a moderator to only specific forums whether a single or multiple forums. I've literally spent 2 hours trying to accomplish it and nothing I do seems to work. I finally got to the point where it looks like the only way to do it is to set their permissions for each and every foprum. If this is the only way it's an extremely inefficient way for a board that has many forums and wants to assign different users to moderate each one. Is this the only way to do it, by using the node perms in each and every forum, for each and every intended moderator?
My latest head-banging exercise is trying to assign a user as a moderator to only specific forums whether a single or multiple forums. I've literally spent 2 hours trying to accomplish it and nothing I do seems to work. I finally got to the point where it looks like the only way to do it is to set their permissions for each and every foprum. If this is the only way it's an extremely inefficient way for a board that has many forums and wants to assign different users to moderate each one. Is this the only way to do it, by using the node perms in each and every forum, for each and every intended moderator?