Add-on Forum Currency


Active member
Looking for a straightforward forum currency plugin integrated within our xenForo site. Currency is to be used for trading between members & needs to include adequate moderation / overview & accountability for transaction history. Users should be able to send / receive currency to other members & view a log of their transactions. User's current currency total should be viewable in the messageUserBlock & should act as a pop-up when clicked to transfer currency.

I am NOT interested in any complicated side-tracks with generating forum currency (threads / posts, currency interest etc) or multiple / secondary currencies & transfer rates etc.
Looking for a straightforward forum currency plugin integrated within our xenForo site. Currency is to be used for trading between members & needs to include adequate moderation / overview & accountability for transaction history. Users should be able to send / receive currency to other members & view a log of their transactions. User's current currency total should be viewable in the messageUserBlock & should act as a pop-up when clicked to transfer currency.

I am NOT interested in any complicated side-tracks with generating forum currency (threads / posts, currency interest etc) or multiple / secondary currencies & transfer rates etc.
Why not you try using this addon
With proper setup of this addon you can easily achive what you require :)
@JustinHawk Was able to load [TH] Credits: Core 1.0.16b on localhost & test with the updates they've had over the last 9 months. These are the main issues I've identified:

Credits are viewable in the messageUserBlock but lacks the ability to click another user's credits to enact a transfer dialog.

User transaction history exists but is minimal.
Should display a users credits prior & post with each transaction.​

Admin log is minimal & lacking required features.
Note sent from users during transactions is missing.
Pre / Post currency total of user (& user forwarded to) is missing.​

Moderator log doesn't exist (nor the ability to restrict admin permissions on the credit system to use it as such).
Moderators should have ability to comprehensively view all transactions for resolving any conflicts.​
Hello @Aceros, thank you for outlining these issues. I will send them to our developers right away so that they can look into improving this add-on further. Thanks so much!
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