Forum _list template


Active member
Please could someone post the original forum_ list template. I think iv messed mine up for some reason my header and site logo are at the bottom of the page> :)
Please could someone post the original forum_ list template. I think iv messed mine up for some reason my header and site logo are at the bottom of the page> :)

Did you try reverting it? Templates that are listed in red and belong XenForo will revert to the original when you select the X.
Did you try reverting it? Templates that are listed in red and belong XenForo will revert to the original when you select the X.

OH. I thought that deleted them, because when you click on the red x to the far right of a style name that deletes it.

That's kind of confusing really - shouldn't a red X mean one single thing throughout the entire system?
Well if you ask me, it's like putting the words "bomb detonator!" on a light switch. Even if you tell me it's just turns on the lights, I'll be using it as a last damn resort. :D
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