XF 2.0 Firefox for Android loading problem


Active member
One of my users has reported real difficulty getting the forum to load using Firefox for Android. There are huge blank spaces where the data should be. Anyone else having this issue, and what's the solution?
For a solution you should explain more Details. Which version of android, Firefox, XenForo, did you use addons? Which Page is blank? Maybe some screenshots or a Link.
Thanks for asking.

She says she's using Firefox version 67.0.3, and that her Android is an older version, 6.0.1. The problem seems to be that it's taking a really long time to load, and the boxes for the ads are both huge and empty. She claims she's having this issue on another forum that's using Xenforo, as well.
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She says it works in Chrome and Opera, but she doesn't want to use Opera because it's so slow. She says Chrome is slow, too, plus she's worried about privacy issues. Hence the switch to Firefox. She doesn't have broadband, so that's probably an issue, too, though she didn't have the huge empty boxes before.
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