Find and replace SQL


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Staff member
I have had a client transfer a Magento to me recently from their old host which was shutting down.

Unfortunately, the old host was unaware of Magento's.... features, and sent me a database that was screwed up big time. I have managed to fix the majority of the damage via a lot of effort. But the final hurdle is replacing a lot of missing quotation marks.

They have all been changed from ' to ’

The problem is, I don't want to have to run a query on 220 individual tables...

So any suggestions on how to run it and search ALL tables for ’ and if found, replace it with '

Im guessing some sort of regular expression... however I will happilly admit, RegEx is something I can't get my head around... I know what it does and how it does it... but not how to form it into something I would use.

How big is the database?

Can you export it, open it in an editor and do a find and replace there, then import it again?
How big is the database?

Can you export it, open it in an editor and do a find and replace there, then import it again?

The thought had passed my mind, unfortunately it is several GB, so not realy an option :(
Can't you run the query on the largest few tables, then export the remainder and do it via an editor?

I don't know Magento but I'm guessing only a handful of tables will make up the majority of the size.
Can't you run the query on the largest few tables, then export the remainder and do it via an editor?

I don't know Magento but I'm guessing only a handful of tables will make up the majority of the size.

You might be onto something :) Cheer sBrogan!
Im guessing some sort of regular expression... however I will happilly admit, RegEx is something I can't get my head around... I know what it does and how it does it... but not how to form it into something I would use.

Have you looked at this program

If you can export it into a flat file there are plenty of perl scripts out there that can blow throw the file and do a find / replace. I've run scripts like this on >50GB flat files and usually only takes 5-10 minutes to process. YMMV.
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