XF 2.1 File health check issue


You have "Unexpected contents" because your file poop.png is not the file provided by xenForo, or you have edited this file ! ;)

Regards, SyTry
I found the issue, the poop emoji that XenForo includes in its set is of poor quality for some reason so I downloaded and installed a quality version from the emoji one site. That was the issue. So I reuploaded the crappy one (no pun intended) and all is good. 💩
I found the issue, the poop emoji that XenForo includes in its set is of poor quality for some reason so I downloaded and installed a quality version from the emoji one site. That was the issue. So I reuploaded the crappy one (no pun intended) and all is good. 💩

You can keep the new emoji file because the warning is just an alert, as it said if you had edited the files yourself, you could ignore the message.
You can keep the new emoji file because the warning is just an alert, as it said if you had edited the files yourself, you could ignore the message.
It’s really annoying to look at to be honest with you. You should be able to dismiss it if need be and not a concern.
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Here's one I don't understand and it stays there even after upgrades:

js/vendor/dragula/dragula.js  -Missing

When I look in the server, it's not missing, it's uploaded right where it calls for. Ideas? Known bug?
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