Facebook Recommend


Well-known member
For 1 its not supported on safari as what dropdown goes off the side and you can't read it ... but anyway

how is this suppose to work? it does not post to my wall , but if i view my recent activity on Facebook it shows i recommended something
According to @Kevin it is supposed to have a pop up for comment ..

I don't know for which XF version it changed but, no, with the current version of XF the FB button has been redone. But it is easier now to change the FB from "Like" to "Recommend".

Try ACP => Options => Facebook Integration and then change the "Facebook Like Button Phrase" option.

By switching it to Recommend then when users click the button it'll give a pop-up box where users can enter a comment before the link to your site is posted to their FB wall.

FB keeps changing their timeline algorithm though, you'll probably need to find a way to replace it with a FB share button instead of using Like/Recommend to 100% ensure it goes on the users tineline...
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