XF 1.5 Facebook messages?

Hi all,
1.)When the user login my account and post new tread in my site?
when the user post a thread it also visible in Facebook and as well as my forum?
It is possible in xenforo 1.5?

2.)When the users login my account..........
I also send the wishes messages to add my add my account users. Is it possible the admin show the user email id's and send a mail in email id's of all users?
when the user post a thread it also visible in Facebook and as well as my forum?
Not automatically no.
It would require manually sharing the thread or an add-on.

2.)When the users login my account..........
I also send the wishes messages to add my add my account users. Is it possible the admin show the user email id's and send a mail in email id's of all users?
I don't really understand the question.
If you want to check the email addresses of member and send emails, use the Email Users function in the ACP.
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