Facebook [Deleted]

Hi Amaury
OK you fixed the vBulletin 4 Style however this style is doing the same thing, is it possible to do the fix you have done on the vBulletin theme.
Hi Amaury
OK you fixed the vBulletin 4 Style however this style is doing the same thing, is it possible to do the fix you have done on the vBulletin theme.

Yes. I just haven't gotten to this yet. I'll get it sometime today.
Amaury updated Facebook with a new update entry:


  • Changed header and navigation area a bit
  • Re-arranged sub-navigation bar in order of relevance: New Posts, Search Forums, Watched Threads, Watched Forums, Mark Forums Read
  • Moved Log Out link under Your Account
  • Added border-left to navigation sidebar
  • Moved username and user title above the avatar in the user info block
  • Changed avatar size from medium to large in the user info block
  • Adjusted quick reply to keep the avatar small due to the change above
  • Styled all...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Love the new style changes just added but the members avatar in the threads is too large now.

As I've said, large avatars are intentional. However, is it the same issue as on vBulletin 4 where they were overflowing out of the user info box?
exactly. But I fixed this easier than in the vb style. If this is the intentional, I would not use this style. Nice work though.
exactly. But I fixed this easier than in the vb style. If this is the intentional, I would not use this style. Nice work though.

I don't know why this is an issue for certain individuals and not others. Are you able to confirm the same issue on a thread on KH-Flare (there's a link in my signature)?
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