XF 2.1 FA Icons on Action Bar. Basic Stuff, really.


Well-known member
Very simple thing, but i don't remember where i have to go:


I remember that i edited some template to add this icons, but i forget where is it.

And would be nice to add FA5 instead of 4. Just replace "fa fa-xxx" to "fas fa-xxx", right?

- I found the code that i used in Default Template (extra.less), but is not working for SPAM. Could please someone show me where I'm wrong?

/* Action Bar */
.actionBar-action--edit:before, .actionBar-action--report:before, .actionBar-action--ip:before, .actionBar-action--delete:before, .actionBar-action--spam:before, .actionBar-action--warn:before, .actionBar-action--history:before
display: inline-block;
font-family: FontAwesome;
font-size: inherit;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
margin-right: 5px;
content: "\f040";
content: "\f071";
content: "\f002";
content: "\f00d";
content: "\f05e";
content: "\f12a";
content: "\f1da";
/* Action Bar */

If i use this Code on my child theme (customized one) i got a bunch of error icons.
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