Extremely annoying member

What do you use to block datacenters? I help admin a forum and over 95 percent of new members is from that.

I do this as well, how I do it is you grab the ASN, and look it up here: https://mxtoolbox.com/asn.aspx

It reveals all the IP sets.

Then, I open an existing XML file that I previously converted the IP sets into. You can do this by banning a few IPs temporarily, and exporting it, you'll get the XML file and formatting it uses.

It's a bit of work, but I can do it fairly fast now. Using it with Excel to mass replicate the data, search & replace with Notepad++, I'm able to generate a new XML with the IPs to ban, then I just import it to the Xenforo's IP Ban.

Ignore list doesn't work well on this software as the person you're ignoring can still comment on your posts.
Banning and deleting is more effective.
Your way of IP banning is wrong. IP Banning VPNs, data centers, etc is fine, but legitimate IP ranges? We have tons of users that are in the same IP range because they use the same Internet & Mobile services. The way you're banning, you're likely blocking legitimate users from even being able to register.

But you know, you do it your way, and you only have 3 members. Everyone else has tens of thousands, so we'll stick to our way. The Ignore List works.
I do this as well, how I do it is you grab the ASN, and look it up here: https://mxtoolbox.com/asn.aspx

It reveals all the IP sets.

Then, I open an existing XML file that I previously converted the IP sets into. You can do this by banning a few IPs temporarily, and exporting it, you'll get the XML file and formatting it uses.

It's a bit of work, but I can do it fairly fast now. Using it with Excel to mass replicate the data, search & replace with Notepad++, I'm able to generate a new XML with the IPs to ban, then I just import it to the Xenforo's IP Ban.

Your way of IP banning is wrong. IP Banning VPNs, data centers, etc is fine, but legitimate IP ranges? We have tons of users that are in the same IP range because they use the same Internet & Mobile services. The way you're banning, you're likely blocking legitimate users from even being able to register.

But you know, you do it your way, and you only have 3 members. Everyone else has tens of thousands, so we'll stick to our way. The Ignore List works.
I have you on my ignore list. You just replied to my posts. 🤦‍♀️
And yet you're able to see my response.
Curiosity Killed The Cat Interest GIF
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What do you use to block datacenters? I help admin a forum and over 95 percent of new members is from that.

The "ASN" is the network an ISP presents to the rest of the internet, so banning registration by ASN is vastly more effective and reliable than doing it by IP range.

It's a bit of work, but I can do it fairly fast now. Using it with Excel to mass replicate the data, search & replace with Notepad++, I'm able to generate a new XML with the IPs to ban, then I just import it to the Xenforo's IP Ban.
Alternatively using my add-on there is a "ban ASN" option when rejecting an account:

While using getipintel to detect dodgy providers before adding them to the block list.
I have you on my ignore list. You just replied to my posts. 🤦‍♀️
Same as on Facebook or any other platform - we need only switch accounts to see those who don't want us to see, (weenies who have us blocked) and then it's a simple thing to copy/paste quotes from them and post them from the meanie blocked account.

This is babyshit, internet 101. There's never been any "blocking" that truly works. (Anywhere ever) Blocking is useless.
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I find that range banning somebody's ip address does the trick. It means that nobody can access the forum who is banned.
I find that range banning somebody's ip address does the trick. It means that nobody can access the forum who is banned.
You should stop giving advice because it is always bad.

Banning an individual IP is not a problem because the likelihood of it affecting others is low.

Banning the ASN of known bad actor networks is not a problem because there are documented examples of bad behavior.

Banning the whole IP range that someone uses is obviously bad, because it affects anyone on that IP block, meaning it could potentially affect every user within that region on that ISP.

The difference between scenarios 1 and 3 is the scope of what you are blocking, and the difference between 2 and 3 is that one affects a network known for abusive behavior and the other affects many potential end users.
Any suggestions to put him back in his box? He is a prolific poster. But also patronising to others sometimes in his "enthusiasm" and these are serious matters for adult members - they are not kids.

Just leave the guy in no doubt about what you find unnacceptable. Be specific, give examples. Tell him there are no second chances, should he not behave he will be permanently banned.
I find that range banning somebody's ip address does the trick. It means that nobody can access the forum who is banned.
It also means that valid users of that ISP in that area also cannot access the site. Banning valid ISP ranges is very counter productive.
Ignore list doesn't work well on this software as the person you're ignoring can still comment on your posts.
Banning and deleting is more effective.
Yeah, I never ignore anybody, no matter how obnoxious they are. All it does is allow them to bad mouth you for everyone to see (and likely agree with) while taking away your ability to push back against them. It's effectively self censorship. Bit of a useless feature in my opinion.

What you really want is to censor them and that's what moderation is for.

The "ASN" is the network an ISP presents to the rest of the internet, so banning registration by ASN is vastly more effective and reliable than doing it by IP range.

Alternatively using my add-on there is a "ban ASN" option when rejecting an account:
View attachment 286642

While using getipintel to detect dodgy providers before adding them to the block list.
Had a look at your add on. Not bad for $45
would be better as something built in to xenforo software.
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I would say that if you have a successful forum, you are inevitably going to pick up someone like that sooner or later.

Are they posting prolifically or is it just what they are posting that is the problem.
If you want to reduce the amount they are posting it would be worth having a look at

and creating a usergroup to restrict the quantity they post.

If it is just what they are posting, you either have to live with it, or if they won't modify their behaviour you ultimately have to drive them off your forum.
Was going to say this earlier but forgot to.
with somebody who seems to be extremely annoying put them into a group that allows them to react and read only.
it will stop them from dictating terms and poking the bear. By really restricting them where they can't post, message or add profile posts, they will get the message that they're being a pain in the backside.
Also banning them outright and blocking their email address does the trick.
Especially if they are sending abusive messages.
If they start from their second account ban that too.
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