Extending a class, and a method that holds variables?


Active member

I am working on extending a 3rd party plugin. I am fine with that in most cases, because I can simply add the additional things I need, However in this one there is a controller class that essentially sends information to a model, I want to extend this method, however the method has variables/params in it so when i try to extend it I get an incompatibility error, the original code looks like

public function updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $weekId, array $ascores, array $hscores)
        $visitorId = XenForo_Visitor::getUserId();

        if ($visitorId == $userId)
            for($i=0; $i<count($games); $i++) {
                  $g = $games[$i];
                  $p = $picks[$i];
                  $hs = $hscores[$i];
                  $as = $ascores[$i];

                  $pick = $this->_getDb()->fetchRow('
                    SELECT *
                    FROM xf_nflj_pickem_pick
                    WHERE user_id = ?
                        AND game_id = ?
                ', array($userId, $g));                 
                $writer = XenForo_DataWriter::create('NFLJ_Pickem_DataWriter_Pick');
                if ($pick)
                $writer->set('user_id', $userId);
                $writer->set('pool_id', $poolId);
                $writer->set('week_id', $weekId);
                $writer->set('game_id', $g);
                $writer->set('team_id', $p);
                $writer->set('ascoreary', $as);  
                $writer->set('hscoreary', $hs);                                              

I am trying to extend this and I get to the point of my method being called. If I try to parse the same paramaters i get the following error

Declaration of Silvertails_PickemImporter_Model_BonusFE::updatePicks() should be compatible with NFLJ_Pickem_Model_Picks::updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId)

[*]XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
[*]XenForo_Autoloader::autoload() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
[*]XenForo_Autoloader->autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 1050
[*]XenForo_Application::autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 529
[*]XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass() in XenForo/Model.php at line 189
[*]XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
[*]XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in NFLJ/Pickem/ControllerPublic/Picks.php at line 248
[*]NFLJ_Pickem_ControllerPublic_Picks->_getPKMPicksModel() in NFLJ/Pickem/ControllerPublic/Picks.php at line 97
[*]NFLJ_Pickem_ControllerPublic_Picks->actionEdit() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
[*]XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/silvert/public_html/index.php at line 13

If I try to extend the method without the params I get the following error

Declaration of Silvertails_PickemImporter_Model_BonusFE::updatePicks() should be compatible with NFLJ_Pickem_Model_Picks::updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId)

[*]XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
[*]XenForo_Autoloader::autoload() in XenForo/Autoloader.php at line 119
[*]XenForo_Autoloader->autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 1050
[*]XenForo_Application::autoload() in XenForo/Application.php at line 529
[*]XenForo_Application::resolveDynamicClass() in XenForo/Model.php at line 189
[*]XenForo_Model::create() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 101
[*]XenForo_Controller->getModelFromCache() in NFLJ/Pickem/ControllerPublic/Picks.php at line 248
[*]NFLJ_Pickem_ControllerPublic_Picks->_getPKMPicksModel() in NFLJ/Pickem/ControllerPublic/Picks.php at line 97
[*]NFLJ_Pickem_ControllerPublic_Picks->actionEdit() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
[*]XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/silvert/public_html/index.php at line 13

Essentially I still want those params passed into my code because I have additional things inside the Game and picks array.

I tried bringing in the parent::actionUpdate() but because the last action out of that is a redirect it inherits that as its data

I just cant figure out how I can achieve this.

How are you trying to extend it? Can you please post the code?

I have an event listener for the model
class Silvertails_PickemImporter_Model_BonusFE extends XFCP_NFLJ_Pickem_Model_Picks
    /*function updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId)
        $parent = parent::updatePicks();
        $visitorId = XenForo_Visitor::getUserId();
        if($visitorId ==2)
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";
        return $parent;

One of the variants I have tried. I have also tried without the params, with &params and a few other variants. I know I am missing something simple on inheriting them but I just cant get my head around it with this baby fatigued brain of mine
Your functions and parameters need to match it exactly:
public function updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $weekId, array $ascores, array $hscores)

You cannot omit the last two arguments.
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You have to call the parent method with the appropriate parameters, else you receive an error.

has to be
parent::updatePicks($games, $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId)

Also from a quick glance, it seems you are using the class proxy wrong.
Alternatively I can probably use a postSave method to achieve the same with a bit of a workaround of
Your functions and parameters need to match it exactly:
public function updatePicks(array $games, array $picks, $userId, $poolId, $weekId, array $ascores, array $hscores)

You cannot omit the last two arguments.
the incompatibility is from the first array variable being empty, the last two can be omitted here
No. They can't. That's not how PHP works. If you're extending a method it needs to be compatible with the method you're extending, as in, they need to be there.

This is the correct answer:
$parent = parent::updatePicks($games, $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId, $ascores, $hscores);
You have to call the parent method with the appropriate parameters, else you receive an error.

has to be
parent::updatePicks($games, $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId)

Also from a quick glance, it seems you are using the class proxy wrong.

Genius. It was that simple, calling the parent with the params. Thank you, you have saved me a crazy amount of tinkering
No. They can't. That's not how PHP works. If you're extending a method it needs to be compatible with the method you're extending, as in, they need to be there.

This is the correct answer:
$parent = parent::updatePicks($games, $picks, $userId, $poolId, $seasonId, $weekId, $ascores, $hscores);
Whoops my bad. I posted my edited method from my old system where I did a direct edit to the core.
The actual core does not have those last two params, they are what I am trying to add in.

Side question, Can I extend the method to add those additional params?
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