Hopefully not suggested yet...
The "Staff Online Now" is a great feature, but it doesn't allow to have a similar block for say Sponsors or Premium Members which would be great to have and has been requested by our members. Please consider a "usergroup x Online Now" block option for more flexibility to draw more attention to specific members that are not staff.
Another suggestion related to this is to show x users in "Members online now" as avatars, then a link to show more. This also makes it less boring to view at and is in line with how members are presented on other pages.
The "Staff Online Now" is a great feature, but it doesn't allow to have a similar block for say Sponsors or Premium Members which would be great to have and has been requested by our members. Please consider a "usergroup x Online Now" block option for more flexibility to draw more attention to specific members that are not staff.
Another suggestion related to this is to show x users in "Members online now" as avatars, then a link to show more. This also makes it less boring to view at and is in line with how members are presented on other pages.